Buku sosiologi politik pdf
Buku sosiologi politik pdf

buku sosiologi politik pdf

Jakarta: Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance, 2012 Mapping The Lanscape of The Media Industry in Contemporary Indonesia. An Introduction to Political Communication. USA: Perticipatory Media Lab & Ford Foundation, 2011 Democratization & Corporatization of Media in Indonesia. Contesting Media Power: Alternative Media in A Networked World. The Internet, Social Network and Reform in Indonesia. Sage Publication: London, Thousand Oak, New Delhi, 2016 “Cyberactivism” in the Arab Spring: What Social Media Can and Can Not Do. European Journal of Communication 1 –18.2015. Followers are opinion leaders: The role of people in the flow of political communication on and beyond social networking Sites. Communication Theory: Media, Technology and Society. The Internet in Indonesia's new democracy. Political Communication in Media Society: Does Democracy Still Enjoy angnovis 10.1 – Fall 2009 Epistemic Dimension? The Impact of Normative Theory on Empirical Research. Politik Keshalehan Personal dalam Pemilihan Presiden 2014 dalam Media Sosial Twitter Jurnal Pemikiran Sosiologi Volume 4 No.2 Agustus, 2017b Presented at ICISPE International Conference. Primordialism through Hoax and Fake News during the 2014 Presidential Election of Indonesia. SAGE Publications Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC DOI: 10.1177/1326365X14539185 Echo Chambers’ Partisan Facebook Groups during the 2014 Thai Election. Conservatives, White Voters, and the Election of Barack Obama. The Power of The Key Stroke: Is Social Media the Radical Democratizing Force We Have Been Led to Believe It Is? Harvard Human Right Journal, February (2015) Radical Democracy and the Internet Interrogating Theory and Practice. van de Donk ‘Public Administration in the Information Age: Revisited’, IOS- Press, 2013 Digital Democracy: Vision and Reality dalam I. The Television Industry in Post-authoritarian Indonesia, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 43:2, 257-275, 2013.

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